How do I launch the Screenshot Creator with a shortcut key?

Although Microsoft has integrated a wide range of screenshot tools into Windows 10 with the Crop and Sketch app and the Screen Snipping feature, which can be opened from Notification Center or by pressing Windows+Shift+S, many users still rely on the Image Snipper app. For those who use this utility regularly, accessing it can be greatly simplified by launching it with a custom key combination.

Open the Start menu and type ImageCutter. Right-click on the hit and select Open File Location. In the Windows Explorer window that opens, right-click the ImageCutter shortcut and choose Properties.

Switch to the Command Icon tab, left-click in the Key command box, which contains the default None, and press Alt. Now the No caption will change to Ctrl+Alt and you can add an additional letter, such as Y.

Close the window with OK and Apply. From now on, hitting Ctrl+Alt+Y will open the Image Editor.

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