How can I locate the files that fill the repository?

No matter how big a hard drive or SSD is, you will eventually run out of available storage space. The real solution is to buy a larger storage device or use cloud storage, but it also helps to delete unnecessary files first. In such cases, Storage Explorer is the quickest way to find out where to delete the most.

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How can I add my own libraries to the Search Index?

For those who frequently search for specific content stored on their PC, the search index automatically created by Windows 10 is useful. In the default settings, this feature only takes Windows Libraries and Desktop into account, but you can add additional user-created folders.

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How can I write by hand instead of using a touch pencil?

While many modern notebooks have touchscreens, they do not support pen input. However, you can still type with a fingertip. To get Windows 10 to accept this form of input, you need to enable the appropriate setting first. Open the Windows Desktop, select Tools, then Pen and Windows Ink, and under Handwriting, tick the option …

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How can I turn Night Light on and off on a scheduled basis?

With Windows 10 build 15002, Microsoft has introduced nightlight. The purpose of this feature is to prevent late work on your computer from causing problems later on when you fall asleep. You can manually turn it on and off from the tile of the same name in the Notification Center, but it’s more practical to turn this eye-saving display mode on automatically.

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How do I connect my Android smartphone to the Connected Phone app?

Microsoft’s appreciation of Android is demonstrated not least by the fact that its own Surface Duo fold-out smartphone is based on the operating system. But the Connected Phone app integrated into Windows 10 also supports specific Android devices – in this case, specific means that the device must be running at least Android 7.0 to benefit from its basic features.

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